When human aid actors face critical decisions, it is a challenging task to see trusted expertise and to keep an overview of relevant information. Recent developments in data management, analysis, and automation allow for the acceleration of knowledge extraction, as well as the optimized finding of meaningful information and the collaborations that can provide it. We aim to create a minimal-effort, transparent, neutral, and distributed knowledge exchange system to make decisions with more impact in less time.
- Decide together which data sources to analyse (e.g. towards reducing violence against children) - we have a catalogue of interesting data sources and can set relevant questions together
- Structure data towards analysis goal
- Viuslize data in an appealing 3D AR/VR form (basic framework exists)
We are already two people with data analysis and visualisation skills and are looking for you, especially if you are interested in:
Software (python / Java)
3D Visualisation (Blender, Unity, ...)
3D AR & VR (ARCore, Occulus Rift, HTC Vive, Microsoft Hololens)
fun / 3d modelling / data analysis / python / ...
We are a Swiss non-profit organisation working with CERN Knowledge Transfer on creating human aid (humanitarian, development and human rights) Proof of Concepts to demonstrate the potential of CERN technology for society.