Sick of spending your nights browsing pdg website in futtile attempts to find one more bakground in your analysis? Not you alone, all physicist in analysis do this. It's time to get it over!
Join fstate project! We are developing web service which will allow to search all possible decays for the given final state.
We have beta version which can be seen here, but it is terribly outdated, so we are looking for new people to join us for update.
Here is the list what could be done in fstate:
- Update PDG database parsing with their new fancy website
- Include charge conjugation in database building process
- Take in accout misidentifications, lost particles, and lost of other possible cool features
- Website frontend update
There is a plenty of interesting job and this project is strongly demanded by physicists right now. So join us! It's a great chance to help people and receive nice line in your CV!
Goals sorted by priority:
- Update fstate to work with new PDG site layout
- Add Charge-Conjugation
- Implement misid/lost-particle mechanisms
It would be extremely useful to have at least one of this skills:
- Python development skills
- Basic MongoDB skills
- Web programming experience
- Some experience with PDG, analysis of decays
Basic python programming and particle physics background.