Is it possible to reproduce the magic and the educational potential of a science show, online?
Criterias for an online science show:
- Experiment: “Waw Effect” despite the video format.
- Content:
- Educational interest (related to CERN physics / science / laboratory).
- Accessible to kids 8 y/o and up.
- Interaction:
- Between speaker and participants.
- Participation of the audience to the show.
- Safety
- Location: Speaker can be in a showroom with quite a lot of material, or at home (ideas for both configurations are welcome, although the second one would be very useful).
- Language: Easily translatable from one language to another.
- Speakers:
- Speakers are scientists, researchers or else, not professional comedians
- Speakers are usually volunteers so the training / preparation for becoming speaker for the show should be light.
- Title, storyline and experiments for an online science show matching the criteria above.
- Create a demo version.
- Format the content so that it is easily accessible to volunteers who wish to train to give the show (SharePoint, video, PowerPoint or else).
- Education
- Video
- Research
- Experiments
- Outreach
- Comedy / theatre / storytelling
- Safety
- IT
If the current COVID-19 crisis was to last longer, we need to be able to offer a content for CERN’s outreach activities that can adapt to social distancing and potentially home schooling.
Example of the "Fun with physics" CERN science show: [1]. As you can see, it is not that "fun" when watched through a static video.
[2] Image: