Accelerator Factory


How can you better learn how particle accelerators work than by building your own?   

Accelerator Factory is a web/mobile game where you have to build the best accelerator, by drag and dropping components (dipoles, quadrupoles, RF cavities, etc.) that you can buy in a virtual shop. At each level of the game, you are asked to reach a certain amout of energy and intensity with your accelerator, and if you manage to get a stable beam, you earn money and can pass to the next level. You also have the possibility to add detectors to your accelerator and rediscover the particles of the standard model! 

At the beginning of the game, you have the possibility to follow a tutorial, that teaches you how to build a basic accelerator with the interface along with an explanation of the different components. 

This game is designed as well for curious people with no prior knowledge in physics, as for accelerator physics students who want a more concrete vision of accelerator design.

Goals of the project

Make at least a sandbox where you can drag and drop components and simulate the beam in your accelerator

Skills being sought

Graphic Design

Accelerator Physics


Game Design


Accelerator Physics, Graphic Design or Programming

References and background material
Arthur Pesah
Léo Peyruchat