CERN Interactive Tunnel inspection


The project aims at putting the public is in the shoes of a LHC tunnel inspection robot operator :

* Use a simulator to program an inspection
* Program a "HiCAT Livera" robot to send it for inspection
* Hunt for abnormalities around the tunnel in augmented reality in a first-person view

The final result will be featured during the next CERN Open days.

Goals of the project

* Provide an immersive LHC Tunnel inspection experience prototype
* Have tons of fun and discover Three JS / Python / robots

Skills being sought

3D graphics skills (ThreeJS / Blender)
Image processing (OpenCV, AR)
Software skills (python / Java)
Hardware skills (robotics / arduino)


3D modelling / ThreeJS / Web Development (for the 3D simulator)
Java / Python development
Raspberry Pi / Linux / Arduino (for the robot hardware)

References and background material

* The project reuses work done during the Cineglobe SHADOW THEATER workshop :
** the simulator exists already ( )
** the Python hardware abstract layer also (
