Since the inception of the internet, there is a good chance that you have more in common with your internet peers than the people you live around. It’s not about where you are from or what background you belong to, it’s about what you believe in with a mindset to explore more.
Do you know at this instant how many students are learning about linear regression or alpha decay or theory of relativity? Learning with someone helps you grow your interest and retaining power of a specific topic. Today, especially given the circumstances,professionals and students alike, study on “Study with me/Work with me” livestreams on YouTube just so that they have a company to learn with. Research indicates that students who collaborate in small peer groups or with a ‘study buddy’ significantly improve their learning outcomes and academic success rates.
We propose a platform, Delve, which helps people all around the world to access a closed virtual platform - classroom or virtual co-working space - in which a host can organise a study session on a specific topic he/she wants to learn about. Several features including a common canvas for sharing common thoughts and learnings, feedback driven questions and doubt clearing via text would allow like minds to comprehensively build their understanding by collaborating with other fellows.
Bearing the importance of our users privacy - Our goal is to provide a safe and secure platform to individuals who wish to learn and collaborate ideas with each other.To carry this out, we want to build a platform which allows users to create/join/engage in virtual study room/work rooms with a very specific aim to learn.
1. Create a prototype which describes the workflow of our platform.
2. Validate the user's problems, needs and solutions.
3. Design an ecosystem which is privacy centric and secure for the users.
1. Experience with Web Development
2. UI/UX Development