LHC Particles Party


Being LHC the most known particles collider of the world, we propose a game collection that will divide the LHC in a variable number of smartphones, being each part the field used by the player.

It's recommended that the players organize themselves in a circle, using the order assigned by the games. Particles will start running through the phones, in the order previously  established. This will give the impression that there is a cool collider in the room. :)

Than, we present a  collection of true social games that would allow users to play against each other even without internet connection, using the wireless in their mobile phones. We plan to develop the games on windows phone, android and iOS. Each player can use a different platform. The games focus around Cern LHC and all the games are about particles colliding. We will create interactive and simple game mechanics.

We offer convenience to the users. People like to play games like cards, clued, monopoly etc, but they don’t always have their cards or boards with them. On the other hand, people always carry their Smartphone, allowing them to play against each other at any time. Each time they play a game people will be learning about particle physics, Cern activities and will be engaging with Cern brand.


  • Promote CERN's name.Creating engagement between the taxpayers of CERN member states and cern itself. Acknowledge people of what CERN does and the impact of its activities in their life.
  • Instigate particles physics curiosity.
  • Teach people physical concepts.
  • Accessible to all ages.

Allow people to have a true social multiplayer game

Goals of the project
  • Validate the Idea against possible real world players.
  • Propose a game mechanique interface.
  • Develop a first iteration of the game application.
Skills being sought
  • Programming
  • Game development
  • User Experience engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Physical Particles
  • LHC internal working and activities
  • Product development and validation
References and background material


None. Everyone is welcome. You can share your ideas with or become part of our team :)

Jorge Costa - jorge.costa@cern.ch