

Parity adds useful conversation-centric commands to the messaging channels (Mattermost, Slack, etc) used internally at CERN and allows us to make meaningful analytics and data visualizations to the chat data present in such channels.

Our Mattermost/Slack bots will allow users to issue out the following commands:
* Ask for a summary of what has transpired on a given group/topic's chatroom on a fuzzy configurable time interval.
* Ask for the most important messages representative of what has transpired on the given chatroom on a fuzzy configurable time interval

In top of this, we plan for our backend API to make statistical analysis be available to the front-end web app and mobile app clients so that such clients can visualize analytics centered around the Mattermost/Slack messaging channels used here at CERN. 

Goals of the project

* Develop a backend-API that can accept Mattermost/Slack commands (currently, 2 commands planned)
* Design a front-end web application in ReactJS, JSX and general Javascript to visualize analytics about such messaging channels
* React Native mobile app (time-giving)
* Correlating chat messages with internal CERN emails (time-giving)

Skills being sought

Python 3, ReactJS, React Native, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, API, Oauth


Knowledge of Python 3.6, NLP, ML, experience in developing front-end web apps and mobile apps with React or developing backend NLP-based APIs.

Alastair Paragas,