Particle wars, a 3D strategic game


Once upon a time the world of particles was unite and particles were living peacefully. But after the mysterious Big Bang the world has divided on two warring parties called Matter and Antimatter, who are fighting to conquer  the Universe.

Doesn’t sound interesting this story about the particles? So let’s develop a strategic game where the warriors will be the particles and most of the actions in the game are according to the laws of physics.

Both sides will have their own special powers and one accelerator where the players can put particles to detect and produce new particles with different powers and lifetime. During the game they will collect resources with which they can upgrade the accelerator only to produce more powerful particles. It is also possible combining of the elementary particles in atoms that are mightier than the elementary particles. The team who will destroy the accelerator of the opposite team is winner.

Using the modern technologies we can build cool game with interesting design of the character of the particles. So, creative minds, if you like this idea please join and make something that is worth playing. Take part!

Goals of the project

A working prototype of the game

Skills being sought
  • Creativity
  • Knowledge of particle physics
  • Expirience with graphics and Unitiy3D
References and background material



Vladimir Ilievski: