ParticleQuest game

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Mozilla Foundation released a few weeks a go a massively online game using the latest HTML5 web technologiesBrowserQuest

Thanks to the HTML5 you will be able to play with your modern web browser in your desktop, laptop, tablet and even in the smartphone! BrowserQuest is a tribute to classic video-games with a multiplayer twist. You play as a young warrior driven by the thrill of adventure. No princess to save here, just a dangerous world filled with treasures to discover. And it’s all done in glorious HTML5 and JavaScript.

The idea of this proposal is to fork this game -it is open source- and change the maps into a ParticleQuest game based at CERN.

Instead of having a fantasy world, the players will explore the CERN, having access to different experiments like CMS or ATLAS. You play as a young physicist, well, you can be a warrior if you want, that want to find and learn more about physics.

Goals of the project


Skills being sought

References and background material



Daniel Lombraña González: @teleyinex / +Teleyinex /
Jessy Kate Schingler: @jessykate