Raspbuggy ( http://cmcrobotics.github.io/raspbuggy ) is an educational platform used to initiate children to programming and automation.
It is presented in the form of a wifi-enabled RC car that ships with its own (Google Blockly-based) programming environment.
The idea is to write an abstraction layer that renders Raspbuggy behaviour in a 2D (canvas) or 3D-based view to simulate the results of programming logic.
Raspbuggy is based on the Raspberry Pi platform, and allows the integration of a large number of hardware sensors, camera support and software packages.
Currently, two hardware abstraction layers are implemented for Raspbuggy : Pimoroni Explorer and Lego Mindstorm NXT, but there is currently no way for Raspbuggy users to first simulate their code before running it.
Objective : write an abstraction layer that renders Raspbuggy behaviour in a 2D (canvas) or 3D-based view to simulate:
- Motor movement control (forward / backward / right and left motors / angle-based movement)
- Obstacle detection
- Reflectivity reading (light / dark)
- Pen support
- Lower / Raise the pen) : attaching a pen to the Raspbuggy, allows it to act like a real-life Logo environment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)
- Implement a Canvas / WebGL abstraction layer that can render Raspbuggy block logic.
- Provide support for in-browser rendering of :
- Motor movement control (forward / backward / right and left motors / angle-based movement)
- Obstacle detection (ultrasonic sensor)
- Reflectivity reading (light / dark)
- Pen support (lower / raise)
- Essential : fluency in Javascript / Canvas / WebGL
- Essential : Python basics
- A plus : Familiarity with Google Blockly Custom Block creation and code generation concepts
- A plus : Awareness of Brython (a.k.a. using Python as a replacement for Javascript)
- http://cmcrobotics.github.io/raspbuggy
- http://github.com/CMCRobotics/raspbuggy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)
- https://developers.google.com/blockly/
- http://www.brython.info/
Python programming basics - Javascript - WebGL / Canvas