Rule of Three in Susy diagram


Reading the book of Frank Wilczeck, in italian " La leggerezza dell'essere", at p. 198, where is shown The SUSY Unification diagram, i have noticed that the 4 forces obey to "the rule of three" in italian "regola del tre" See image, also published in Wilczeck's "La musica del vuoto". Indeed eletric: strong = gravity: weak.

Goals of the project
  • To establish if the rule of three gives the proportions between the four fundamental forces, and try to understand how they are connected to the life which grown on the earth in according with the proportions of the rule of the three.
  • To understand how the laws and constants of physic can forecast the origin of the life.
  • To compare diagrams and theories.
  • To demonstrate that the rule of three ties the four fundamental forces.
Skills being sought


References and background material


Luca Garai