Virtual Web Museum

Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

Young and curious minds have been confined to their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that surely should not limit our ability to learn and collaborate with people around the world.

One of the most vital facilities for storing curated information in the pre-lockdown world have been the museums we built. Museums have been a place to help shape community identity and bring different community groups together, a catalyst for regeneration through the creation of new venues and civic spaces, and a resource for developing the skills and confidence of
members of those communities. But the global pandemic situation has rendered them shut temporarily.

So we would like to propose a virtual museum that enables people around the world to continue their education from home, interact with the community and at the same time gives you a great level of presence and personification in a live virtual reality experience.

The chosen theme of the museum is the Web. We would like to present the journey of the web technologies from the computers in CERN to the modern applications that keep us connected even through a worldwide lockdown. This project is a tribute to the work of Sir Tim Berners-Lee and his efforts to improve the sharing of information.

Goals of the project
  • Create a web based Virtual Reality environment.
  • Gather relevant content and design a museum layout.
  • Implement and test the virtual museum experience.
  • Implement collaboration using chat feature with other visitors.
Skills being sought
  • Data visualization.
  • Information gathering.
  • Multimedia editing.
  • Web Programming.
  • 3D graphics.
References and background material
Sachin Varghese (