Imagine an organisation that could count on the full potential of its community.
Imagine professionals who could unleash their potential by demonstrating the full range of their competencies.
And now, imagine the possibility of participating in projects based on competencies and in full transparency.
This is an ambitious but realistic idea that I would like to propose to the Webfest:
* *endowing CERN with the dynamic career opportunities platform it deserves.*
Similar to a professional social network (LinkedIn, Facebook Workplace), I would see three main features in the platform.
1) Each CERN Community Member (CCM) would possess a *profile* in which you could find (at least) their name, contact, competencies, experience, publications.
2) Then, CCM could also search/find *career opportunities* such as new positions, roles, stretch assignments, job shadowing, mentoring, projects…
3) The *project* feature is an important element of the platform. It would integrate an ‘ideation platform’ where CCM would propose ideas of project, and then, the possibility of ‘upvoting’ them. Once ‘upvoted’ as the top solution, the project is moved into the career opportunity feature where, through an interface similar to a crowdfunding system, CCM can join a project based on the skills needed in the project.
Buy-in arguments from different stakeholders’ points of view based on expected results of the platform:
* CERN: the workforce is more engaged, their competencies are better used, a better sense of belonging to CERN culture, increased experience sharing and cross-fertilization, breaking down silos, keeping data safe at CERN and ensuring data privacy rules are respected
* Managers: more engaged supervisees and knowledge sharing is eased
* Project leaders: easily finding specific skills, leveraging untapped human resources for projects
* CCM: gaining visibility, increased empowerment, participating in engaging projects, more possibilities of sharing among generations (mentoring, job shadowing), expanding networks, finding their next career move
* HR: Monitoring emerging trends in terms of skills, anticipating needed skills in the coming years, pushing open positions to relevant internal candidates
From preliminary researches, the talent platform can be based on *open-source peer-to-peer marketplace platforms* such as Sharetribe, Cocorico. CS-Cart or Shuup, free to be implemented and fully customisable.
The goal for this weekend would be to dig further into this direction and explore the possibility of a workable version for piloting the project in the coming months.
My background and expertise lay in the management of Human Resources and not on the technical side (development, IT planning…), so I would love to get the participation of anyone who:
* Has a creative mind and ideas to shape the project;
* Likes to play the sparring partner and provide feedback;
* Has (some) IT coding skills such development, architecture, AI, UX/UI
As a project that aims at increasing collaboration, I also think that this needs to be co-created and collectively thought to be in line with the final goal.